Contact Information

22 Carnaby Street
London W1F 7DB
电话: 0207 287 0776

Nic Benns and Tom Bromwich

Nic Benns and Tom Bromwich

电话: 0207 287 0776

Basic Info

成立年份: 1999

成立年份: 1999


22 Carnaby Street
London W1F 7DB
电话: 0207 287 0776
Nic Benns and Tom Bromwich

Nic Benns and Tom Bromwich

电话: 0207 287 0776

About Momoco

Momoco is an Emmy award winning and Bafta nominated creative studio. 
The firm has produced film design, branding, commercials and animation for 14 years. 
Known world-wide for its main title sequences, Momoco has collaborated with directors such as Richard Curtis, Dustin Hoffman, Lasse Halstrom, Kevin Spacey and Ridley Scott.
Numerous theatrical credits include contraband, The Three Musketeers, Nine, Alien Vs Predator and 30 Days Of Night.

Momoco makes titles that build TV brands including Misfits, Luther, Ripper Street, Strike Back and Hannibal.
Commercials include long-running campaigns for Coke, Nike and O2 for clients such as Vccp, Mother, Bbh, Mccann and Ogilvy.
We've also helped agencies win major accounts with our high-end pre-viz and storyboard artistry.

We're a small studio with big, cinematic vision and love the conceptual process, the storytelling and the execution - all delivered on schedule to budget.

The company is led by multi-award winning director and producer Nic Benns and co-founder, director Miki Kato. 


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