Contact Information

907 Broadway
New York New York 10010
电话: 212 979-2722

Gina Pagano

Gina Pagano

Executive Producer

电话: 212-979-2722

Basic Info

成立年份: 1997

奖项: 515

创意作品: 435

成立年份: 1997

奖项: 515

创意作品: 435

MacKenzie Cutler

907 Broadway
New York New York 10010
电话: 212 979-2722
Gina Pagano

Gina Pagano

Executive Producer

电话: 212-979-2722

MacKenzie Cutler Insights

Enjoy AdForum’s daily roundup of the latest news, trends, and notable work in the advertising industry. It’s a Small Beer World: Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller Merge in $106 Billion Deal “An... 阅读更多

Enjoy AdForum’s daily roundup of the latest news, trends, and notable work in the advertising industry. Ad Age Offers 6 Strategies for Agencies to Keep Relationships with Clients “In many cases, a... 阅读更多

Start your day with AdForum’s daily round-up of the latest news, trends, and notable work in the advertising industry. Jon Stewart Lowers the Curtain on 16 Years of Comedy as News The Daily Show wit... 阅读更多

There is once again only one Rob Lowe. DirecTV has ended its popular series of "don't be like this me" ads starring the actor as two versions of himself. One version used DirecTV, and was cool and at... 阅读更多

American Football Star Scores With Fans 阅读更多