Contact Information

Centro Financiero Invercasa, Torre II piso IV - Módulo T2N4_265
电话: + 505 2225-4980

Basic Info

核心能力: 广告/全方位服务/整合传播, 互联网及数字媒体全服务广告公司, 移动通讯营销, 社交媒体营销, 电子商务, 搜索引擎优化, Web Design, 营销/创意服务, 购物者营销/销售点营销/销售促销, 直销/电话营销/数据库营销/客户关系管理, Experiential, 品牌内容/娱乐, 市场研究/咨询, 营销技术/分析, 公关, 企业传播, 人力资源/培训, 危机传播, 公共事务, 事件营销/活动赞助, Design, Branding/Celebrity endorsement, 战略与策划, 保健, 金融, 工业, 技术, 在线服务, B to B, 企业形象,公益,非盈利, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), 零售, 娱乐, 美容、时装、奢侈品, 旅行和旅游, 消费者

成立年份: 1981


员工: 4500

奖项: 1072

创意作品: 354

核心能力: 广告/全方位服务/整合传播, 互联网及数字媒体全服务广告公司, 移动通讯营销, 社交媒体营销, 电子商务, 搜索引擎优化, Web Design, 营销/创意服务, 购物者营销/销售点营销/销售促销, 直销/电话营销/数据库营销/客户关系管理, Experiential, 品牌内容/娱乐, 市场研究/咨询, 营销技术/分析, 公关, 企业传播, 人力资源/培训, 危机传播, 公共事务, 事件营销/活动赞助, Design, Branding/Celebrity endorsement, 战略与策划, 保健, 金融, 工业, 技术, 在线服务, B to B, 企业形象,公益,非盈利, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), 零售, 娱乐, 美容、时装、奢侈品, 旅行和旅游, 消费者

成立年份: 1981


员工: 4500

奖项: 1072

创意作品: 354

Publicidad Commercial MullenLowe Nicaragua

Centro Financiero Invercasa, Torre II piso IV - Módulo T2N4_265
电话: + 505 2225-4980

About Publicidad Commercial MullenLowe Nicaragua

Who We Are:

We believe positive dissatisfaction is the mother of reinvention. That’s why our icon is the octopus. It’s the only organism on the planet that routinely edits its own DNA to adapt, innovate, and thrive.
It outsmarts the competition by constantly changing. It reinvents, repeats, reinvents, repeats.
And so do we. 

What We Do:

In today’s rapidly changing world, innovation hinges on a combination of agility and adaptability. And the key to success is for brands to recognise the opportunity and responsibility to innovate because brands who do grow faster. Our capabilities allow us to proactively challenge and evolve brands across paid, owned and earned expressions and experiences. 

How We Do It:

For businesses to grow, the most valuable currency is not how consistent you are it’s how you innovate. We believe that the fuel for innovation is positive dissatisfaction. Dissatisfied with the way it’s always been, with handcuffs and limits and rules, with insights that aren’t insightful, and with creative that doesn’t make you feel. This philosophy unites our 55 markets and makes us the most effective agency network pound for pound for twelve years running. 


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