Contact Information

RG96+3XP, Quito 170135, Ecuador
Quito 170135

Basic Info

核心能力: 广告/全方位服务/整合传播, 互联网及数字媒体全服务广告公司, 移动通讯营销, 社交媒体营销, 电子商务, 搜索引擎优化, Web Design, 营销/创意服务, 购物者营销/销售点营销/销售促销, 直销/电话营销/数据库营销/客户关系管理, Experiential, 品牌内容/娱乐, 市场研究/咨询, 营销技术/分析, 公关, 媒介购买/企划, 企业传播, 人力资源/培训, 危机传播, 公共事务, 事件营销/活动赞助, 品牌/产品开发, 包装/设计, Design, 视觉/声音识别, Branding/Celebrity endorsement, 出版/印刷/定制出版, 战略与策划, 其他, 保健, 金融, 农业, 工业, 技术, 在线服务, B to B, 政治, 企业形象,公益,非盈利, 零售, 娱乐, 美容、时装、奢侈品, 旅行和旅游, 消费者, 多元文化市场营销, 种族特质, 年龄组别, 女性

成立年份: 1948


员工: 22950

奖项: 206

创意作品: 170

核心能力: 广告/全方位服务/整合传播, 互联网及数字媒体全服务广告公司, 移动通讯营销, 社交媒体营销, 电子商务, 搜索引擎优化, Web Design, 营销/创意服务, 购物者营销/销售点营销/销售促销, 直销/电话营销/数据库营销/客户关系管理, Experiential, 品牌内容/娱乐, 市场研究/咨询, 营销技术/分析, 公关, 媒介购买/企划, 企业传播, 人力资源/培训, 危机传播, 公共事务, 事件营销/活动赞助, 品牌/产品开发, 包装/设计, Design, 视觉/声音识别, Branding/Celebrity endorsement, 出版/印刷/定制出版, 战略与策划, 其他, 保健, 金融, 农业, 工业, 技术, 在线服务, B to B, 政治, 企业形象,公益,非盈利, 零售, 娱乐, 美容、时装、奢侈品, 旅行和旅游, 消费者, 多元文化市场营销, 种族特质, 年龄组别, 女性

成立年份: 1948


员工: 22950

奖项: 206

创意作品: 170

Ogilvy Ecuador

RG96+3XP, Quito 170135, Ecuador
Quito 170135

About Ogilvy Ecuador

Since 1948, Ogilvy has existed to build global brands. Our founder culture is represented in every office around the world and we continue to abide by the same fundamental principles that David laid out for us in Ogilvy on Advertising. Our current teams still abide by those values, while recognizing the obvious market dynamic shifts that have occurred. 




Creativity is in our DNA. It is enacted through a collaborative spirit that connects our network, which comprises 132 offices in 83 countries—with a team of over 2,200 strong in the U.S.—and operates under one P&L. The intersection of talent and capabilities is where we best innovate and operate—we call this borderless creativity. It ascends any of the barriers that too often restrict talent and the ideas it generates. We are proud of our vision which unifies our people, and of our operating system that unifies how we work regardless of where we are. However, Ogilvy’s continued success isn’t created by a single philosophy, process, or snazzy technology. The strength of Ogilvy lives in our people. Our connected family of over 15,000 operate as one agency without barriers, filters, walls, fears, and most importantly, without egos. We thrive on a diversity of opinions, skills, and expertise. Our unique cultures and capabilities build off each other’s ideas, activating them regardless of where they originate—all in service of our clients. 


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品牌: Absolut, Jameson

品牌: Audi

类别: 大型及豪华轿车

品牌: Samsung Electronics

类别: 手机与寻呼机

品牌: Verizon B2B & B2C

类别: 个人无线通讯

品牌: Citizens Bank

类别: 银行与金融服务、投资、证券服务

品牌: Dove, Carb Options, Hellmann’s, Home Basics, Ponds, Ponds Institute, Ragú, Slim-Fast, Suave, Q Tips, Wish-Bone, Vaseline, All Free Clear, Magnum

类别: 化妆品、美容产品及香水