标题LIFEBOAT - The Experiment
广告战役 Lifeboat - The Experiment
广告主 Sea-Watch
品牌 Sea-Watch
首次发布日期 2019 / 4
行业领域 机构/公益组织/非盈利组织
剧情简介 The refugee crisis was a largely discussed topic in 2014. It separated Germany into two main groups: one pro-refugees and the right wing party being absolutely against them.
While the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean along the world’s deadliest border continuous, its media coverage decreased heavily.
Language is revolution. If we were to turn the tide, the conversation must go on.
“LIFEBOAT – The experiment” re-creates a momentum and stresses the fact that the ongoing refugee crisis is not a single countries problem, but one that concerns all of Europe.
The campaign generated a mindshift in society by re-enabling access to the most human of our feelings: Empathy.
问题 The major challenge was:how to raise awareness for the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean Sea that after being huge in the news in 2014 completely lost its news value nowadays?To answer this question Sea-Watch applied a bold twist of perspective that brought the topic closer; geographically and emotionally. We set up a simulation to let a group of Germans experience emotions that were only a fragment of a real escape: stress, hunger, anxiety, fear, panic. 40 participants represented the German society in age, gender and profession.This change of perspective created 40 new faces to feel empathy for and to identify with.
媒体类别 Web Film
Director of Photography
Global Chief Creative Officer
Creative Managing Director
