标题But First, Hair
广告战役 But First, Hair
广告主 Wella
品牌 Wella
首次发布日期 2020 / 5
行业领域 化妆品、美容产品及香水
剧情简介 Wella Professionals have always intuitively known and understood the importance of hair stylists. The personal relationship, trust and ultimate confidence boost received after a visit to the salon is in many ways unparalleled. But, in this crisis filled, moment of pause across the world, it is a realisation that women are coming to quickly understand too. Originating with this deep-rooted intuition, now confirmed with survey-led data, Wella Professionals announces the launch of “But, First Hair”, a campaign celebrating hairdressers and their craft. The campaign was developed by the brand’s lead strategic and creative agency, The&Partnership, with social activation and campaign rollout by 1000heads. Working with The&Partnership, the brand commissioned a US and UK based survey revealed that for women, booking an appointment with their hairdresser is their number one most imminent priority following lockdown, more so than going to a bar or restaurant, the gym, shops, a concert and even going outdoors. The creative, led by The&Partnership, celebrates these hairstylist heroes and dial up this now proven insight that many people will want their stylist to be among the first people they see when lockdown is over. It will also encourage clients to support stylists by taking action and going back-to-the-chair as soon as possible, helping the industry bounce back. Since the beginning of lockdown, close to 60% of clients claimed that they miss hairdressing the most out of any other beauty services with 90% saying they will book a visit to the salon within the first month once lockdown is lifted.1 The vibrant ‘But First, Hair’ digital-first campaign will fuel anticipation amongst stylists and their clients via rich user-generated video and disruptive social content. A dynamic and emotive video, creatively directed by Alison Scorgie of The&Partnership, has been released onto Wella Professional’s global Instagram channel, @wellahair. The strategy behind the campaign is to combine emotive content and support, with the aim of driving both footfall and revenue for the stylist community, whilst supercharging its pride and excitement to rally together, get behind the chair again, and transform the world back to beautiful.
媒体类别 Web Film
