Sketch-22 Clients

Sketch-22 artwork draws the attention of the viewer at first glance, because nowdays, that’s the only one you get!
Combining the traditional hand-drawn comic illustrations with modern digital art forms, we create interesting and attractive, custom-made artwork which will leave only a few uninterested. Apart from the... 阅读更多

BBDO , BBDO 广告与传播
Chivas , Chivas 含酒精类饮料
Digital Experts United , Digital Experts United 商业服务
European Commision , European Commision 机构/公益组织/非盈利组织
Goi Peace Foundation , Goi Peace Foundation 机构/公益组织/非盈利组织
Hitachi Corporation , Hitachi 家用电器和视听产品
Logex , Logex 其他
McDonald's , McDonald's 餐馆与快餐
National Institute for Standards and Technology , NIST 机构/公益组织/非盈利组织
Suzuki , Suzuki 汽车