Contact Information

13 Holywell Row
London EC2A 4JF
电话: 0207 240 9955

Hanna  Bayatti

Hanna Bayatti

Head of Sales

Basic Info

成立年份: 2000

奖项: 399

创意作品: 564

成立年份: 2000

奖项: 399

创意作品: 564

Biscuit Filmworks UK

13 Holywell Row
London EC2A 4JF
电话: 0207 240 9955
Hanna  Bayatti

Hanna Bayatti

Head of Sales

Maltesers “Celebrating Similarities”

Clay Weiner and AMV BBDO are following up their successful “Look on the Light Side” campaign for Maltesers with a new campaign called “Celebrating Similarities,” which embraces stories from women that often go unseen, told with a lighthearted approach. “Powerpoint” shares the story of a woman whose menopause causes a workplace mishap, while in “Accountant” a lesbian recounts her dating struggles to her friends. The spots deftly capture the humor in relatable situations to show our common humanity.