标题Cieszy Mamy Tak Jak Dzieci
广告战役 Cieszy mamy tak jak dzieci
广告主 Ferrero
品牌 Kinder Pingui
首次发布日期 2019 / 9
行业领域 巧克力,巧克力棒,糖果,口香糖
剧情简介 For Ferrero we created an animation of pinguin for Kinder Pingui commercial. Our main task was to prepare a model and animation. The hero was created for children, so our artists worked hard on way of moving, facial expressions and character. Platige was also responsible for grading, SFXs and editing of the spot. Commercial was prepared by Grey Group Poland agency. Christina Hodnet was a director. Katarzyna Dubińska and Aga Górna from Platige were the producers, Piotr Ołtarzewski was CG Supervisor and Wojciech Chołaściński from Platige Sound was responsible for the sound.
媒体类别 电视
Production (Agency) Grey Group Poland
Production House
Postproduction Producer
Postproduction Producer
CG Supervisor
Sound Designer
