- - "CNESST electrician" by PHNX Awards 2022

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标题CNESST electrician
广告战役 Safety at work
品牌 -
首次发布日期 2021 / 11
产品 -
剧情简介 Without having experienced a work accident, we cannot suspect that its impact goes far beyond our own well-being. Its consequences also reach those around us, those we love the most. By using emotion, the Commission for Standards, Equity, Health and Safety at Work (CNESST) wanted to remind the population that our safety at work is also the safety of our loved ones, and that we must therefore be extra vigilant and eliminate the risks before an accident occurs.
Client CNESST - Yolaine Morency, Pascale Grenier
Agency Cossette
Strategy Marie Vaillancourt
Senior Vice President, Creation Anne-Claude Chénier
Art Director Nicolas Baillargeon
Copywriter Sébastien Forget
English translation Andrew Morgan
Client Services Nicole Laplante
Agency producers (Septième) Marie France Cusson, Joannie Roy
Photography Brühmüller Photographe
Retouching Visual Box
Print Production (Septième) France Laberge, Natalie Gadoua
Media agency Cossette Média
Strategy and media planning Marie-Michèle Lapointe, Alexandre Rouleau
Media Activation Marie-Pierre Desrochers, Lynda Dufour, Marylee Lavoie, Mathieu Ladouceur