BriefEnglish is the language of business. Even in countries and cities where English is not the official language, it is the common ground. Québec is the only place in North America where French is the dominant language, so English takes second place. But people risk being overlooked if they can’t take part in conversations because they don’t speak the language.
广告战役 The Unnoticed
广告主 Berlitz
品牌 Berlitz

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Posted11月 2019
媒体类别 平面
创意总监 C...s S....es 仅限订阅者
创意总监 ..n G...s 仅限订阅者
创意总监 N....as Q....al 仅限订阅者
美术指导 M....eu L....be 仅限订阅者
美术指导 X...er B...s 仅限订阅者
Account Management A..x Le....re 仅限订阅者
摄影师 S...n D....el 仅限订阅者
Photographer Assistant R...ud La.....ère 仅限订阅者
Wardrobe / Stylist R....ne C....on 仅限订阅者
制作公司 Co....at 仅限订阅者
制片 M....ne G....te 仅限订阅者

