标题Stuck Inside
广告战役 Choose Go
广告主 ConocoPhillips Company
品牌 Conoco

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首次发布日期 仅限订阅者
媒体类别 互动
CAMPAIGN TITLE C...se ... 仅限订阅者
CLIENT C...co 仅限订阅者
AGENCY St.....ic &...; Cr....ve Co.....ant 仅限订阅者
Agency  ......hael L...h 仅限订阅者
Chief Creative Officer M...y S..n 仅限订阅者
Group Creative Director J..h L...z 仅限订阅者
Creative Director L..e O..h 仅限订阅者
Art Director Sa....ha P...y 仅限订阅者
Associate Creative Director/Writer C..d T....es 仅限订阅者
Account Management Team Je....er Co.....n, Ca.....ne ..y 仅限订阅者
Brand Planning E..n Th.....n, Ka....en Gr....ad 仅限订阅者
Media A...ew L....m, H...e M...n, S...ie L....ld 仅限订阅者
Social Engagement C...n R...an Re.....n, D...in S...h 仅限订阅者
Production Services Company M...e Pr......ons ..C 仅限订阅者
Executive Producer L..a K...ik 仅限订阅者
Content Producer Je....er D...d 仅限订阅者
Business Manager Mi....le C...n 仅限订阅者
Account Services K..e M...t 仅限订阅者
Business Affairs B...t L...on 仅限订阅者
Production Company �...ys &...; M...s 仅限订阅者
Director �...mmy Ma......�     仅限订阅者
Executive Producer J..t St.....    仅限订阅者
Executive Producer �...na K...��  仅限订阅者
Line Producer T...or Van.......t    仅限订阅者
Director of Photography D...d R...rt Jo.....�    仅限订阅者
Animation Company B...o ..x Ent.......ent 仅限订阅者
Executives in Charge of Production S...t Gr.....rg, J..l Ku....ra 仅限订阅者
Creative Director ..n J...s 仅限订阅者
Supervising Producer J...s M....ll 仅限订阅者
Producer D...an Fe....on 仅限订阅者
Ski Free*) G....tt D...s (...e M..., H..h F..., F...ng Sq.....l* 仅限订阅者
Stuck Inside) J...an G....er (...d Or....nt 仅限订阅者
Ski Free*) ..y .. H...g (...e M..., H..h F..., F...ng Sq.....l* 仅限订阅者
GO Gelatin) J...e ..m (...Y G....in 仅限订阅者
Toe Stub) M..t M...lo (S.....ero 仅限订阅者
TV Glue) J..n Mc.....lin (D....ng ..n 仅限订阅者
Gas Station) N....ia S...k (R....ng M....FO 仅限订阅者
Forceful Animal) S....ey S...ay (...dy Mo....in 仅限订阅者
80's Videogame) M..t T...or (...n 仅限订阅者
Buffalo Tattoo) Vi....ia .. ..e (S......ro, .o B...on 仅限订阅者
Edit House �...ys &...; Me....��   仅限订阅者
Editor �...an Pat........eonard 仅限订阅者
Assistant Editor �...cob Ki.....�     仅限订阅者
Executive Producer J..t S....er &...; L..a Ki....     仅限订阅者
Producer ..a Orr......      仅限订阅者
Colorist M..t O....ne 仅限订阅者
Producer L..a K...in 仅限订阅者
Executive Producer Th....er Pe....on 仅限订阅者
Audio Mix Un.....ed S....   仅限订阅者
Mixing Engineer ..n C...e 仅限订阅者
Sound Design Un.....ed S...d  仅限订阅者
Sound Editor J...b F...k  仅限订阅者
Sound Editor T....hy Pr.....    仅限订阅者
Sound Supervisor B...t K...r 仅限订阅者
VFX House T....st .X 仅限订阅者
Producer M..c St.....rg 仅限订阅者
Supplementary VFX Fl....ss P..t 仅限订阅者
Executive Producer ..k M...ul 仅限订阅者
Creative Director H...rd S..r 仅限订阅者
Senior VFX Artist A..m P...e 仅限订阅者
VFX Producer ..x L...rd 仅限订阅者
Compositor C...y A...n 仅限订阅者
Compositor C...k Pa.....st 仅限订阅者
On-Line Editor T....st .X 仅限订阅者
Artist M..c St.....rg �...��    仅限订阅者
Post Producer ..a O....h  仅限订阅者
“Cake Boys” �...ody Bu....r” .n ..y o...r p...e t..t ..s m...c, �...arm B....e” .n H..r F..w 仅限订阅者
Music Company J....ey Br....y  仅限订阅者
Written/Composed by J....ey B....ky 仅限订阅者

About Carmichael Lynch

Come together, stand apart. That’s our how and our why, neatly wrapped up so we never lose sight of what we’re here to do every day: come together with the best people from every discipline to make the very best brand-building, culture-bending, business-altering work for our partners.
We’re fortunate to have the best of all disciplines here at Carmichael Lynch, from creative to PR, strategy to media, analytics and production, as well as a remarkable on-premise content studio. Whether a challenge is big or small, requires long-term planning or newsroom agility, those levers are at the ready.
It’s also how we work with our partners: together. We’re not big on dramatic work reveals here. We’ve found time and time again that working in tandem has led to better results, more surprising work, and a deeper understanding of what to do next.
All of which is in service of helping you and your brand stand apart. All the integration in the world is moot if it gets lost in a sea of sameness. Our brand partners are known to stand out from their competition, stand out from their categories, and maybe — most importantly — stand out in the hearts and minds of their audience and consumers. By doing so, they’re able to be not just observers of culture, but authors of it, too 

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