标题Gravity Cat
BriefTo communicate the fun of gravity changes, we made a live-action film which features a girl and her cat freely running across the walls and ceiling in the real world.Because a cat is the main character’s sidekick in the game, and cat videos are immensely popular on the internet, we decided to feature a cat to generate buzz for the film.We tackled challenging visual expressions, including one-cut takes, POV filming, animal takes, and gravity changes. We made it as realistic as possible to get viewers questioning/wondering how it was made, and to give it the wow factor.The story of a university student struggling with her thesis and eventually being freed from set ideas was created to make the film more than a gimmick, and to convey the message of the game: “Break out of your world’s box.”
广告战役 Gravity Daze 2
广告主 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
品牌 Gravity Daze 2

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Posted11月 2017
媒体类别 电视
创意总监 Y..a O....ma 仅限订阅者
Planner Director Y...ke A...ai 仅限订阅者
Planner Director K...a T...wa 仅限订阅者
Planner Director Y..i Y...i 仅限订阅者
客户主管 K...mi W..a 仅限订阅者
客户主管 M...o H....hi 仅限订阅者
制作公司 Toh.......sha F..m Co......ion 仅限订阅者
制片 T....hi ..o 仅限订阅者
制片 T....ya Su....ra 仅限订阅者
制作经理 T...ya O...a 仅限订阅者
导演 S..w Ya.....awa 仅限订阅者
电影 R...en O....ra 仅限订阅者
灯光主管/照明 At.....hi U..o 仅限订阅者
Set Design Y...ko Ku......shi 仅限订阅者
Art Production Director Sh....ke O....ni 仅限订阅者
Offline Editing E...ko K...ra 仅限订阅者
Offline Editing H...ko T...ta 仅限订阅者
Online lead K....hi S...i 仅限订阅者
Sound Designer E...o A...i 仅限订阅者

