A theft executed to the letter

How a streamer created a poster by stealing from others…at least, partially.

出自 Maud Largeaud , AdForum

When Arabic-language streaming platform Asharq Discovery launched Dark Minds, the first docuseries about serial killers in the region, it came up with a smart way of cutting through. Over a few days, the posters of several major brands (including Bose and KitchenAid) were “disfigured” and deprived of certain letters. Amid curiosity and consternation from the public and the media, the culprit was soon revealed. The launch poster of Dark Minds was made up of the stolen letters, just like a ransom note with letters chopped from different magazines. A film was released to talk up the story and announce the docuseries. As a result, media coverage was high and Dark Minds was on everyone’s mind.