广告战役 Wheel
广告主 HSBC
首次发布日期 2006 / 3
行业领域 银行与金融服务、投资、证券服务
剧情简介 As part of HSBC's ìpoints of view brand position, we interacted with potential customers by illustrating different perspectives on things they would like to do with their tax money.
哲学 Campaigned was designed to illicit responses from customers on the emotional subject of taxes. Message was taken directly to the street where consumers were invite to participate in the campaign by creating their own pie charts.
问题 To capture new deposits during the spring Tax season by getting more people to open tax and retirement accounts at HSBC before April 17th.
结果 Overall campaign bought in a total of 23,686 new accounts with $927,051,000 in new deposits.
媒体类别 互联网广告/横幅
