标题Smart: Dog Wash
广告战役 Smart: Dog Wash
广告主 HSBC
首次发布日期 2006 / 6
产品 Smart Checking Package
行业领域 银行与金融服务、投资、证券服务
剧情简介 Summertime is a period of the year when people go through a lot of change. From cleaning out their houses, to planning vacations, to planning on sending the kids back to school, it is the time that they find themselves most open to change.
哲学 By sharing with customers some of their peers smart ideasî for the summer, HSBC hopes to get them to embrace its own smart idea, the HSBC Smart Banking Package, which gives customers something truly smart, an interest-bearing, free checking account.
问题 To convince existing and potential customers to do all their banking in one smart place by signing up for a suite of banking products included in The Smart Package.
结果 Currently performing 50% above 2005 actuals and is close to making 2006 goal just halfway through the duration of the campaign.
媒体类别 互联网广告/横幅
