Contact Information

731 North Jackson Street Seventh Floor
Milwaukee Wisconsin 53202
电话: 414 224-0212

Basic Info

核心能力: 广告/全方位服务/整合传播, 营销/创意服务, 直销/电话营销/数据库营销/客户关系管理, 媒介购买/企划

成立年份: 1965

员工: 34

奖项: 1

客户: 5

Meyer & Wallis

731 North Jackson Street Seventh Floor
Milwaukee Wisconsin 53202
电话: 414 224-0212

Scott Rackham


电话: 414 224-0212

About Meyer & Wallis

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Meyer & Wallis is Results Oriented.

We look at marketing problems backwards. Which is to say that we focus on the marketing and sales objectives and then build the creative and the plan that achieve those goals.

Our creative product is outstanding. We will dazzle you with artfully crafted imagery. And when you consider that it is designed to serve your interests before ours, it's truly revolutionary.
The substance of our strategy is what sets us apart.

Experience, insight, vision and prioritization allow us to define and solve your marketing problems with the most appropriate marketing solutions.
It helps to have top quality people and all the tools of the trade.

Our track record proves this out.
We feel the measure of our success is the extent of our clients' success.

We're proud of our retail roots.
They taught us that the purpose of advertising is to create sales. We are a National Agency.

We do work for national clients as well as for regional and local marketers.
We have yet to find an assignment that's too big for us.

Invest your equities with Meyer & Wallis.
Your brand name, your image, and your budget.

We manage them carefully and work to maximize your return.
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